Prevent Food Poisoning
Prevent Food Poisoning
It is very important you know how to prevent food poisoning at home and when eating out. Food poisoning symptoms can be very painful and knock you out for a couple of days, preventing food poisoning will let you enjoy a healthy meal at home and out.
Food poisoning occurs a lot during summer, this is because bacteria spreads quicker in warmer temperatures, that is why it is crucial that you store your food at home in a cold room or refrigerator.
Foods that should go in the Refrigerator:
- Meats, Poultry
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Dairy Products
Also, always make sure to check the expiration date of dairy products such as milk and cheese. Canned foods can also be a source of food poisoning, so make sure to check the expiration date on these as well and keep them in a dry, cool area.
Foods, of course, cause food poisoning but so can you. Lack of hygiene when cooking and handling foods can cause food poisoning as well. Make sure to always wash your hands before cooking and during cooking as well.
A couple of other things you should keep in mind to prevent food poising are:
- Only buy food from clean restaurants
- Make sure your food containers are always clean, throw out old, stained containers.
- Keep the kitchen area clean
- Always wash your hands before and during cooking
- If you have any cuts wear gloves when preparing foods
- Prevent eating leftovers
As you can see, preventing food poisoning is really just a matter of keeping your eating area hygienic at home and when you go out to eat as well.
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