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Herb and Garlic Roasted Potatoes

April is Potato Month. How will you celebrate? At Food and Health Communications, we’ll be whipping up some of these amazing herb and garlic...

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A journey through levels of food & fitness

I will be the first one to admit — I go through phases with food. I will be mega-obsessed with a certain food, eat it more or less nonstop for months, and then get tired of it and stop completely. (I do this with a lot of things — TV shows, music, etc.) Anyone else?


I went through a phase when all I did was eat oats…every. single. day. From my go-to (<– early Levels post alert!) to, I had a love affair with oats.


Then, I entered my pancake phase. , apple cinnamon pancakes, honey almond flax pancakes…the list goes on and on.


Then, it was the it’s-too-hot-to-eat-so-I’ll-stick-to-cold-foods-for-breakfast-please phase. It was pretty much defined by my PB & (Strawberry) J bowl, which happens to be delicious any time of day.


Maybe I’m going full circle because I’ve been all about oats again lately. Especially when they look like this…


Although it’s a “hot” breakfast, the fresh blueberries and blueberry jam make it just summery enough to work. If you love the taste of sweet blueberry pie, you’ll love this blueberry pie oatmeal!


Blueberry pie oatmeal

Serves 1


1/2 c. oats

1 egg white

2/3 c. liquid (I used unsweetened vanilla almond milk + water)

1/2 c. fresh blueberries

1 tsp. blueberry jam

In a small pan, add oats and liquid. Turn up the heat and allow oats to absorb water.

Once most of the water is absorbed, stir in your egg white and continue stirring until cooked.

Remove from heat, place in a bowl, top with fresh blueberries, and blueberry jam.

If desired, top with additional toppings! I used a scoop of peanut butter and a sprinkle of hemp seeds.

How to level up this recipe:


For added protein, add 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder.

How to level down this recipe:


For added sweetness, use 1 Tbsp. brown sugar (or agave).

Do you ever go in phases with foods? What’s your latest phase?






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